Some partners are wondering why their website does not generate as many leads as they think it should or as their competition.
While there are a number of factors that can have an impact on “conversions” to generate leads, sometimes just missing to include the most important type of content your prospects want to see for a law firm can cost you a new client.
Beyond the 7 pages, it all bears down to “Know – Like – Trust”. You need to get known, then be liked, and finally be trusted to have a chance of generating a new client.
Law firm websites should therefore have:
- A way to get in touch with you (contact form, NAP (Name, Address, Phone))
- A reason to get in touch (clear headline explaining what makes you the best choice for certain clients)
- A reason to TRUST you (case settlements, testimonials, office address, firm’s history, attorney’s specialization & successes)
“OK, give me the 7 pages…”
We have looked at web site analytics to find how consumers navigate through law firm websites.
Without further adue, here are 7 pages or topics your site should clearly cover:
- Attorney bios
It’s the single most looked at page before a potential client calls the office. Make sure the bios are conscise, highlighting attorney’s strengths and achievements. Try to make it a good read also, don’t make this too boring. - Firm news & articles
This would typically be within your blog section, and any additional “news” should create headline updates on your homepage for good SEO. - Firm’s About pages
a- about the Firm: explain how the firm was founded, values that drive the partners & associates. Use it to communicate your brand “voice” – not too long – make it more PERSONAL – again, avoid boring messages.
b- about Initial Consultations: detailing what a first consultation is like, the terms, …etc - Specialty practice area page(s)
This section / page is most probably how you’re found through search engines. Avoid “legalese”, speak the same language as your clients, what issues do you help them solve, what are your achievements in your > B2C: include mention how you determine pricing - What clients say about you page
You need social proof to give credibility to your claims and service level: client testimonials & reviews, whether in text or better in video will help you generate trust. - Contact page & elements
Actually it’s one contact page & form plus several additional lead capture forms throughout the site to get your prospects into your sales funnel.
You also want to make sure your phone number and way to book a consultation is in your Header and footer of each page. - FAQ
This section is used to educate & pre-qualify your prospects. Include the most routinely asked questions (and their answers), as well as “Should Asked Questions” to educate your client on what you think he should know and as a means to filter unwanted types of clients.
Keep Q&A short: maximum 1-2 paragraphs per question.